
Diary for Sagrantino Ballooning Trip 2019:

   Withyham  >  Saarbrücken Ost  >  Rolo  >  Montefalco  >  Sagrantino  >  Assisi  >  Sagrantino  >  Pantalla  >  Todi  >  Sagrantino  >  Rome  >  Pompeii  >  Rome  >  UK  > 

Region Location Dates Details
UK Withyham 22nd July Collect balloons from Niall and Liz - First stop-over.
Germany Saarbrücken Ost 23rd July Dover/France/Belgium/Luxembourg/Germany - Second stop-over.
Italy Rolo 24th July Germany/Austria/Brenner Pass/Italy - Third stop-over.
Montefalco 25th July Arrival at Camiano Piccolo.
Sagrantino 26th July Flying from Parco Acquarossa, Montefalco in the evening.
Sagrantino 27th July High flying from Parco Acquarossa, explore of Montefalco, event in Gualdo Cotteneo.
Assisi 28th July Foul weather, so an explore of Assisi.
Sagrantino 29th July Flying from Parco Acquarossa, car in ditch, Pink Floyd tribute band in Trevi.
Sagrantino 30th July Flying from Parco Acquarossa over power station, event in Cantina La Veneranda.
Pantalla 31st July Flying from Pantalla towards Todi.
Pantalla 1st August Final attempts to fly to Todi from Pantalla, evening meal at L'Alchimista, Montefalco.
Todi 2nd August Explore of Todi, Gala Buffet Evening event at the Villa Profidia Country House in Grutti.
Sagrantino 3rd August Spectating at Parco Acquarossa, packing Puffin away, last meal in Montefalco.
Rome 4th August Train from Foligno to Rome, meet up with Dan, Spanish Steps.
Rome 5th August Vatican City.
Rome 6th August Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Janiculum Hill, Trastevere.
Pompeii 7th August Pompeii and Vesuvius.
Rome 8th August Villa Borghese park, Il Vittoriano.
Rome 9th August Roman Baths, Collosseum, Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum.
UK Ipswich 10th August Journey back to the UK.

Last updated 6.9.2019